“Whatever happened to the IPv4 address crisis?”

After I wrote about it so much, it’s odd to me that everyone else has gone so silent on the IPv4/IPv6 transition. Here’s the latest on it. On my side, my router is still the same “venerable” model that doesn’t offer any IPv6 support, but apparently my ISP is moving in that direction, so that …

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“Good-bye old Internet: Europe is down to its last IPv4 addresses”

Another nail in IPv4’s coffin. And the article’s summary says: […] The U.S. and Canada? Our day of reckoning comes in August 2013. I’ve been working on my communications code library recently, upgrading it to support proxies (which is a real pain in the tail when you don’t have a proper proxy to test things …

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VMware Fusion vs Parallels

I’ve used VMware products literally for years. Without them, it would have been a lot harder to run my business. So when I ended up buying a MacBook Pro as my main machine, the first program I bought for it was VMware’s Mac offering, Fusion. It worked, mostly. And over the last couple years, it …

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“World IPv6 Day has Facebook, Google & Yahoo Support”

It seems that the big players, at least, are finally bowing to the inevitable and starting to test IPv6. I’ve got too many pieces that aren’t IPv6-ready to handle any kind of native IPv6. My computer hardware is all ready, and all of the operating systems I use support it (Ubuntu 11.04 “Natty Narwhal,” Mac …

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IPv4, Your Days Are Numbered

The title might seem rather yawn-inspiring to anyone who knows about the issue, but I’m not talking metaphorically. They are literally numbered: there was an estimated 625 days of them left on January 7th, representing 10.2% of the possible numbers. Just twelve days later, on the 19th, a second report said that was down to …

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Looks like Microsoft is going to save the world, yet again. Yes, I’m cynical about anything Microsoft does that supposedly benefits anyone else. They didn’t get where they are through altruism. But a closer look shows that that cynicism might not be justified here. It is a real improvement to their product, and a valid …

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