“Most coders have sleep problems, need ‘hygiene and care'”

Interesting. And true, too… I taught myself to get to sleep very easily in my early twenties (I might write more about that if people are curious), but while running my previous business, there were a couple run-ins with malicious hackers that screwed up my sleep patterns immensely… I could still get to sleep, but …

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Time, Knowledge, and Experience

Historically, the only three non-physical things that people will pay for are time, knowledge, and experience. Everything else can be broken down into one or more of those. For example, your average person working at the local Burger Shack or Wendell’s Widgets factory is trading his time (in the form of unskilled labor) for money. …

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“Praying for meltdown: The media and the nukes”

Two final articles, from different writers at The Register, on the Fukushima nuclear plant. I can understand why TV newscasts would do such a thing (for those living under a rock, they’ve tried to present it as a disaster of epic proportions, though in reality it was just a minor footnote to the true disaster …

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Spambot Purge

I got tired of the nearly one thousand spambot “users” on this blog and mass-deleted any account that had never posted a non-spam comment and had no optional user information. I also added a confirmation-link requirement, and auto-removal of any account that doesn’t complete the confirmation within seven days. Apologies to any human users who …

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One Hundred Fifty Thousand Spam Attempts in 90 Days

After three months of near-silence, I’m back. Project M is nearly ready for beta (six months of work so far, and it’s still not quite usable… sheesh!), so I think I can spare the time to blog again. I may not write daily for a bit, but I’ll try. The first thing I’d like to …

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“Fukushima: Situation improving all the time”

I have to break my self-imposed silence again. I don’t pay much attention to newspapers or television news. By definition, the only things they’ll air are bad news (“if it bleeds, it leads”), which gives an extremely warped and unnecessarily depressing view of the world. What little I’ve seen of their reporting on the situation …

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