“How to remove your Google Web History”

I did this (thanks for the early heads-up, Ploni), though I had a few problems getting to the history page. Once I managed it, I was appalled to see how much stuff they’d managed to associate with me… nothing damning, just massive amounts of it. If someone wanted to cause me problems, or wanted to …

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“Laser used to cool semiconductor”

I can imagine the marketing blurb now: “Now with lazer cooling!” (Yes, I know laser is spelled wrong, but marketing guys are very fond of their Zs. Which might explain why it’s so tempting to sleep through most of their presentations, but I digress.) With some work, this sort of thing might someday be employed …

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“Lesbian Necrophiliacs”

You don’t find an article whose title includes the phrase “Lesbian Necrophiliacs” too often. And it’s safe-for-work (and for my more prudish readers) too! 😉 Even without the title, the article is pretty interesting. Cloning has apparently evolved lots of times over the history of Earth, but it’s almost always a death sentence: if every …

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“The Pirate Bay torrents printable 3D objects”

Ever since I read Neal Stephenson’s The Diamond Age, I’ve been wondering what would happen when anyone could download a set of plans and print their own, for example, Star Wars toys. And more to the point, what would happen when those plans could be pirated. Anything digital can easily be copied; the Internet is …

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“Password Sharing Among American Teenagers”

I’ve always stressed that passwords should never be shared with anyone, to everyone I discuss them with — the only passwords that my wife and I both know are the ones to the iTunes and e-book accounts that we both share. Unfortunately there’s a problem when it comes to minors: parents only have a limited …

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Linux compiles and massive IOWait delays, Part III

Remember the last IOWait delay entry, a couple days ago? If you took a look recently, you’ll have noticed a big WARNING! label on the top. There’s a good reason for that. Everything was going along fine, but I started noticing some little problems (such as, the restart button on the shutdown dialog wouldn’t actually …

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Linux compiles and massive IOWait delays, Part II

WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! The changes below are NOT RECOMMENDED! See part III for details! WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! It’s been several weeks since I touched on this subject last, and I’m sorry to say that the solution I came up with in the earlier article just wasn’t good enough. It was forcing the system to swap, …

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