“New nuke could POWER WORLD UNTIL 2083”

If this works as advertised, it could be the solution to all our power problems. I can’t see how or whether it could work (I don’t follow the bit that says “the fluid is then pumped into a graphite core to induce a reaction and generate heat,” given that the fuel is basically radioactive waste …

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Apparently the historical size of horses is inversely proportional to the temperature — in other words, when temperatures were hotter, the ancestors of modern horses were smaller, and vice versa. It makes sense, since smaller bodies are easier to cool. Unfortunately it’s also well-known that reptiles have just the opposite response, getting larger as temperatures …

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“RIP: Peak Oil – we won’t be running out any time soon”

It’s so hard to find a good, credible, looming disaster to panic about, and then those pesky scientists keep destroying the few that we manage to find. Runaway global warming keeps getting kicked in the teeth by inconvenient facts. Nuclear power disasters persistently refuse to be anywhere near as disastrous as people hope. Scientific advancement …

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“Superhero oil-burping algae will save the world”

As much as this sounds like pure fantasy right now, I suspect it’s all but inevitable. Too many people are looking too hard at the problem — somebody is going to crack it sooner or later, and likely sooner. I also suspect that the consequences listed in the article are only the tip of the …

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“Earth may be headed into a mini Ice Age within a decade”

As far as I’ve been able to tell, most climate scientists — the honest ones — seem to agree that global warming should be happening, according to the data they have. They also agree that it isn’t, that the evidence just doesn’t support their models (i.e. their best educated guesses) of what the temperatures should …

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