Companies Finally Charging Extra for Paper Billing

Our cell phone company has just started adding a $2 charge for any customer that still receives a mailed bill. They’re promising to donate an additional $2 to a charity for any customer that goes paperless, too. I expected this sort of thing to happen years ago. Companies have been touting paperless billing for more …

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Upgrades Gone Bad

I’ve mentioned my love/hate relationship with upgrades before. Yesterday I had another check-mark for the “hate” column. I’d run into a minor compiler bug in my Ubuntu version of GCC. Since a new version of the OS had just been released the day before, promising even faster bootups and other improvements, I thought I’d upgrade …

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Winston, our Mighty Hunter

As mentioned before (in posts such as this one), we share our house with three feline companions. Winston has always been our problem child, usually by his attitude that litter boxes are optional equipment. He’s also the original scaredy-cat, almost always looking around wide-eyed and running away from everything, including us. Last night GoddessJ, who …

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“Earth’s first all Klingon opera debuts”

I really don’t know what to make of this, except to bet that there were far more geeks in the audience than opera fans: Schonfeld said he has invited the people of Klingon to see the show during its three day run in the 100-seat Zeebelt theatre in The Hague or a later run in …

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