“Engineering student cracks major riddle of the universe”

Big news in the science of astrophysics. I hadn’t heard that anyone was even remotely near figuring out where the universe’s missing mass might be. Immensely hot, immensely long shoe-strings of matter… who’da thunk? 😉 Might make an interesting component of a hard science fiction story. A space station, slowly moving along one of these …

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Although this is an interesting article to me, it would probably bore just about everyone else to tears. The only thing that might mildly interest some people is the coining of a new (to me) word in the last sentence: […] With the pressure off, Siemens is incented to deal with the PR problem and …

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“Social Media: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse”

Apparently today is supposed to be the Beginning of the End: the Rapture. At least according to Harold Camping, the latest of many to take up the job. If you believe, and think that your heart is truly pure, I’d suggest watching this for advice. And if you have pets, better call these guys too. …

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“UK start-up pitches touch-to-sync tech for watches”

I’ve been using the Casio Data Bank watches since they first came out when I was a teenager, but I have to admit that since I got my first Palm PDA, the only thing I really use it for is to see the time, and occasionally for the countdown timer. Data-watches, never overly popular in …

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“How Reading Fiction Can Improve Your Social Skills”

As I mentioned a few days ago, in my younger years I had problems understanding what was going on in other people’s heads — apparently a problem common to people like me. It seems that it’s a good thing that I’ve always read a lot of fiction, that trait is probably responsible for the majority …

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