“Cashless World”

Sometimes I think Scott Adams (yes, the Dilbert guy) is just throwing outrageous stuff out there on his blog, to provoke reactions. I can’t tell if this article, on getting rid of cash and making all financial transactions digital, is one of those though, or if he truly believes that it’s possible. It would offer …

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“I’m Under Arrest for What? Fifty Bizarre U.S. Laws”

To go along with my last entry on weird laws, here are another fifty. Sometimes you have to wonder what universe lawmakers actually come from. Apparently many of these are misinterpretations at the very least, and probably deliberate, but they’re funny anyway. I love a bit from BB’s comments: “Michigan: a slice of the deep …

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Speaking of dumb people…

…I’m sure by now you’ve heard about lawmaker Joe Barton’s oil-money-fueled apology to British Petroleum earlier this week. He was later forced by his own political party to retract it, but that hasn’t stopped incensed citizens from coming up with mocking sites like this one. This is definitely both amusing and appalling. I, for one, …

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“Australian seniors ask Pirate Party for help in accessing right-to-die sites”

This is exactly why organizations like the Pirate Party or Wikileaks need to be kept around — because even if they espouse illegal or semilegal behaviors, or provide a safe haven for whistleblowers to air the proverbial dirty laundry, they act as a check to governments and the corporations that essentially run them. If they …

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“Does tech lean left or right?”

This article may sound insightful, but it isn’t. Tech companies, like all large and successful publicly-traded companies, “lean” whichever way the political winds are blowing… if it looks like party X is going to win, they back party X, regardless of their personal opinions, because the X candidate is most likely to be the one …

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