“Gargling with Salt Water Actually Helps a Cold or Cough”

Many old wives’ tales actually do have a basis in fact, and it’s not a good idea to dismiss them out of hand. For instance, it’s easy to dismiss your grandmother’s warning that you’ll catch a cold if you go out without a coat when it’s cold. The cold is caused by a virus, and …

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“News stories about stupid young people make old people feel good”

As I’ve mentioned before, my adoptive father listened almost solely to country music, by preference the old-school “my pickup broke down, my wife left me, and my dog died” kind. And being a very selfish person, he had no problem with making the entire family listen to it during interminably long car trips, while he …

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“Fly steers mobile robot”

What will they think of next? 😉 On a different subject, I picked up a nasty cold somewhere. It struck very suddenly yesterday evening and took me down for the count. I slept in discomfort for nearly twelve hours last night, and I’ll probably go right back to bed after having a bite to eat. …

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“Artificial Ape Man: How Technology Created Humans”

Interesting book, and interesting interview with the author. He says that Darwin “was wrong in seeing human evolution as a result of the same processes that account for other evolution in the biological world”, then goes on to offer some pretty good evidence for how technology and the human brain set up a constant feedback …

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“Republican NY governor candidate sends out garbage-scented fliers”

Talk about fighting dirty… 😉 Really though, this is a pretty shrewd move. Scent is a powerful anchor for memories. Anyone with a sense of smell who looks at this is going to be hard-pressed forget the association. Of course, it might backfire. Think “my esteemed opponent, when he’s not playing in garbage…” 🙂 I …

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“The Science Behind ‘Having a Bad Day’ (and How to Solve It)”

I don’t have much to add to this, I just thought people might find it useful. In addition to some fun neurobiology information, it offers some concrete steps to use the next time you start thinking that you’re having a “bad day.” (Hint: as I’m sure you suspected, it’s essentially all in your head, and …

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