“London Philharmonic to give videogame music concert”
More proof that 1. 🙂
Topics pertaining to software and software development, mostly for Microsoft Windows or Linux, and mostly in C or C++.
More proof that 1. 🙂
I nearly wet myself laughing at the description. If your politics lean toward Tea Party conservative, you don’t want to read this. (I’m not sure why, but the game sounds familiar… maybe I’ve seen similar pictures on The Daily Show or something? I don’t seem to have blogged about it before.)
This fellow (warning, PDF file) claims that all computer science graduates should take a course in writing Trojans, viruses, worms, and the like — “malware” — or at least that it should be offered as a regular part of an elective security course. At first, I was taken aback by the suggestion. You don’t want …
Continue reading ‘“The Growing Harm of Not Teaching Malware”’ »
Definitely tongue-in-cheek, but amusing for us programmer-geeks.
Before I sold it, Project Badger was ugly. Almost painfully ugly. It wasn’t a deliberate decision — I’d have made it pretty if I’d had the time — but our customers wanted what it did, not how it looked. When BigCo bought it, the first thing they did was slap a new name on it …
Continue reading ‘“In Defense of Hard: When Easier Isn’t Better”’ »
Those of you who care about such things might have heard that Apple recently released a new version of it’s desktop OS, 10.7, code-named Lion. It was inevitable that I would upgrade my current system (a mid-2009 model MacBook Pro) eventually, but I wanted to put it off for a while. I’ve talked before about …
Well, turnabout is fair play. Computers have been driving us crazy for decades already. 😉 And does this mean that we’re ready to create the HAL-9000? 😉 (Really interesting ideas about brain research using neural nets, though I have my doubts that it will be very useful for most things until we understand the brain …
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As promised in yesterday’s post, this article includes a section on backups in Linux. It also has a lot of other useful stuff for Linux-users, especially newer ones, and some of the information there might just tempt Windows users (at least) to want to take Linux for a run. 🙂
I expect most of my readers already have at least a minimal backup system in place (you do, don’t you?), but for anyone else who stumbles onto this blog, here’s a good primer for Windows and Mac systems. (People running Linux, have patience, it’s coming. EDIT, 2011-07-03: it’s here.) Believe me, if you don’t have …
I thought that the graphics in the Final Fantasy movie, ten years ago, were pretty realistic, and you could tell by the skin tone of some of the characters that it wasn’t real. But take a look at the video on this page… that’s damn realistic! I don’t know if the gameplay has the same …
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