“Lara Croft returns in next-gen Tomb Raider title”

I thought that the graphics in the Final Fantasy movie, ten years ago, were pretty realistic, and you could tell by the skin tone of some of the characters that it wasn’t real. But take a look at the video on this page… that’s damn realistic!

I don’t know if the gameplay has the same realistic look, or if it’s just the cut-scenes. Either way, it’s impressive.


  1. Some of the realism in Xbox 360 games is amazing, not that good except for cut scenes though, but still pretty darn realistic sometimes. I’m kind of into RPG games, so the 360 is probably a better platform for me than say, the wii, and Microsoft, after many years of messing up, has finally gotten the “Xbox Slim” (idea stolen from the PS3 slim) to be somewhat reliable, at least compared to the previous consoles.

    Of course, like I pointed out to you privately, it still chews through your game DVD if you tilt it while in operation, but that seems to finally be the only major problem remaining – I haven’t heard about the little black 360s having RROD still.

    Of course, if you already have a good gaming PC, that almost eliminates the need for an Xbox 360, but I don’t, so it saves me a lot of time and money putting together one. I did go through one that broke down, but I got my full money back for it (it was 3rd party refurb, so no multi-year RROD warranty from Microsoft), so it wasn’t a loss other than emotional. 😉

  2. As I might have mentioned, I’m still using a PS2, and GoddessJ has a Wii. I’m happy enough with the PS2, though it would be nice if it were able to start up and load games faster.

    We did have a problem with our first Wii, but it happened less than a month after we got it so I just took it back to the store and exchanged it. We lost a little saved game info, that’s all. The PS2 has never given me any trouble, so far.

    • Yeah, before the Sony security circus, I’d have the PS3 as my first choice to recommend to others (I only got that refurb 360 because it looked like a terrific bargain at that price) but afterwards for this type of this-gen console gaming, I recommend the 360; especially with the slim being more reliable. However, if you aren’t into that kind of game, you’re probably better off with something else. The Wii is neat, I love the controller, but as far as the RPGs that I like to play the 360 is probably superior. Most people probably would be best off with a Wii actually, it is a much better for non-gamers gaming. (I barely am a gamer myself really, but the Wii is also funner with multiple people involved, and I know basically noone interested in playing something like that besides me anyway.)

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