Speedier Visual C++ Compiles

As I mentioned recently, I’ve been having some issues with the speed of Visual C++ compiles. Some adjustments to my VMware Fusion settings reduced the time it takes for a complete rebuild of my project, from roughly an hour and five minutes to about 43 minutes, but I knew there was still room for improvement. …

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This is from yesterday’s Dilbert Blog entry: A Muslim, a Christian, and a crazy guy walk into a room. The one thing you can know for sure is that at least two out of three of them organize their lives around things that aren’t real. And that’s the best case scenario. Atheists would say all …

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VMware Fusion and Windows Development

I’ve spent the last few days integrating my new math library into the Windows project I started coding it for. Yesterday morning I was ready to try running the integrated copy, but I had some kind of problem starting it up. I couldn’t track it down very easily though, due to how long it took …

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Taming MSVC’s Intellisense

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (i.e. v8) is a decent compiler, with a decent IDE. But there’s one “feature” that I dislike passionately: Intellisense. The idea behind it is a good one: that the IDE scans your source code every so often and figures out how certain things will be compiled so that it can tell …

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Amusing Spam

Spam messages are rarely amusing enough for me to post anymore, but this one takes the cake: Subject: Hegihten the qulaity of your ereictons with Soft (ialis. Biggest_bIowout_sale of \/aIium in our onIine pharmacy Sorry guys, but SpamBayes wasn’t fooled. You’ll have to do better than misspelled words and ASCII art to get past it.

Microsoft Finally Got The Memo

I’ve dealt a lot with software piracy issues, primarily with Project Badger (detecting and preventing piracy is one of its primary purposes). And I didn’t have to learn the hard way that you have to be very careful before calling any user a pirate, or allowing your software to do so — paying customers don’t …

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“Microsoft shops to fly Win 7 minus SP safety ‘shoot”

Or, to translate from the very British terminology: companies using Windows are planning to upgrade to Windows 7 before the first service pack. Of course, that’s hardly news to us in the hard-core tech-geek community, because we see Windows 7 as nothing more than a large (and very much needed) service pack for Windows Vista …

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IPv4, Your Days Are Numbered

The title might seem rather yawn-inspiring to anyone who knows about the issue, but I’m not talking metaphorically. They are literally numbered: there was an estimated 625 days of them left on January 7th, representing 10.2% of the possible numbers. Just twelve days later, on the 19th, a second report said that was down to …

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Secure FTP Headaches

I like the hosting company that we use for Oak Circle (and this blog). I’ve been a customer for about ten years, with various websites, and in that time, they’ve consistently improved what they offer, without raising their prices. But with my yearly renewal coming up next month, it was time to decide whether I …

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