“Proving a Computer Program’s Correctness”
It sounds great, but isn’t viable in practice.
It sounds great, but isn’t viable in practice.
If you’ve been following the Know Thyself entries in recent months, you’ll know that I’ve had trouble pursuing my goals in the last few years. Thanks to a few articles on StevePavlina.com, I’d tracked the problem down to a lack of purpose and context, but I didn’t know how to move forward from there. Trying …
A few months ago, I thought I’d found the answer to my motivation problems. A tweak to my purpose, thought I, and all would be well. As usual, things weren’t that simple… it helped, but after the initial surge of enthusiasm wore off, I discovered that it didn’t make enough difference to keep me moving. …
Continue reading ‘Know Thyself: Goals, Context, and Purpose’ »
I’ve been using the free Read It Later add-on (RIL from here on) for Firefox for quite a while now. It’s really great for marking pages that I want to read, but don’t want to take time out from whatever I’m doing when I find them. It’s also very nice because I often have my …
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You’d expect to see something like this in a Dilbert comic, not real life. While I’m all for productivity, I don’t think I’ll be buying one for myself. 😉
This hack seems appalling when you first understand it… but when you read the timing results at the end, you’ll see that it really can be worth it if you’ve got a big project. Hm, Project Badger takes a long time to compile… 😉
For the past several years, I’ve been trying to design and write a very ambitious programming project (referred to here as Project X). But even though I find the project fascinating and intellectually stimulating, recently I’ve found that I’ve had less and less drive to actually work on it. Last week, I saw another Ford …
A good overview of the causes of stress, and how using GTD deals with them.
There are three parts to this article. The first two are sensible and productivity-enhancing. The third one is simply fun, in an evil sort of way. 🙂 Here are some selected items from it: 5. Voodoo. Display voodoo replicas of your boss and co-workers on your desk, labeled with their names. Whenever you overhear someone …
I thought I was one of the few people who did this kind of thing. I didn’t realize that all geeks do it, or that there was a word for it (“kaizen”).