“Disclaimers in Email Signatures are Not Just Annoying, But Legally Meaningless”

I recently saw this, and having seen several of these disclaimers in the last decade or so, thought it would make a good blog topic. When I first started communicating with BigCo, they had a policy that required an eleven-line legal disclaimer at the end of all e-mails. I know bits are cheap, but these …

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“Stiglitz: wealth concentration will be America’s downfall”

There’s a growing movement to “do something” about the massive inequality of wealth in the US, but no one seems to know what to do, or even what can be done. The obscenely wealthy essentially control the politicians (if you don’t believe me, just look at the rhetoric of “tax cuts for the wealthy!” that …

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“Got a buck to send M Night Shyamalan to film school?”

I’ve never watched any of his other movies, so far as I know — they seldom appeal to me — but I happened to like the movie The Last Airbender, though I know I’m in the minority. If I’d ever followed the series it was based on, I’d probably be donating to this too. Probably …

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VMware Fusion 3 is a great piece of software, but it has some very annoying quirks. My Linux virtual machine was getting some very annoying delays at times that it shouldn’t have. Compiling a fairly small project resulted in a ridiculous amount of “iowait” time. Even switching folders in my current e-mail program could take …

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