“Software Discovery is Broken”

How do you find good software? Industry veteran John Dvorak (no relation to the keyboard layout of the same name 😉 ) says you can’t, barring personal recommendations from other users. There are too many scammers out there.

I’m sorry to say that I have to agree. I haven’t gone looking for much software by Internet search for a long time, but even I have seen it. These days, if I need a program, I drop by forums and ask what other people like, then check out the four or five most recommended titles. I don’t always find what I need that way, but if it exists, the chances are pretty good that I will.

It only takes one busy scammer peeing in the pool to contaminate it for everyone, and there are many of them out there, all peeing enthusiastically. I don’t see a solution on the horizon. I don’t agree with Mr. Dvorak that app stores are the solution, because they have to make money somewhere to pay their costs, and that opens them up to corruption too.

Apple, with its iPhone app store, might be immune… but if so, it’s only because they’re making more money on the hardware than scammers can offer, and letting scammers in would damage that income stream. If ever they can’t make the large profits that they’re presently enjoying with the iPhone and related devices, look for their app store to suffer the same problems, as some middle management guy with his eye on a promotion goes for short-term profits at the expense of long-term profitability. Steve Jobs won’t be around forever to prevent that kind of stupidity, and long-term thinkers are in very short supply in the business world.

The problem isn’t going to go away in the foreseeable future. But I have faith that someone will figure out a solution in time.