What happened to actual news reporting?

Is it just me, or are many of the technology news sites doing nothing more than “reporting” press releases anymore? I subscribe to several tech-news sites, and it’s rare that there’s a subject that is only reported by one of them. I see a headline about a new coupons-by-cell-phone service called Cellfire in the RSS …

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Fun, and How To Have It

I’ve always felt a certain kinship to the character of Sherlock Holmes. Not for his ability to notice the most minute of details, or his reasoning skills, or his undeniable flair for disguise… admirable as those and many of his other traits may be, it’s his moods between cases that I’ve always identified with.


The air conditioning fellow arrived about 45 minutes ago and spent maybe fifteen minutes isolating and fixing the problem (a blown capacitor). We’re finally starting to cool down now. I may be able to move back to the office in a couple hours. 🙂