“New Shock Wave Engines Have the Potential to Triple Fuel Efficiency in Hybrid Vehicles”
Really interesting things going on in vehicular fuel efficiency research. I wonder if our ’96 Corolla will last until these are commonly available?
Really interesting things going on in vehicular fuel efficiency research. I wonder if our ’96 Corolla will last until these are commonly available?
This could be the first real step toward a direct brain/machine interface. Exciting times. 🙂
This article suggests that acne is simply an unfortunate byproduct of going hairless. While that’s a good explanation for why it originally developed, it’s not a good reason why we still have it. It’s maladaptive, in that people with visible acne are seen as less desirable mates. But fifteen percent of people rarely if ever …
Continue reading ‘“Acne Science: What Makes Pimples So Peculiar To People?”’ »
This is probably the first really tangible benefit of any form of nanotechnology. It won’t be the last. I expect that replacements for most body parts will be able to be fashioned and seeded this way within a decade, and that it will become common practice within twenty years. So much for the SF/horror scenario …
Continue reading ‘“Surgeons carry out first synthetic windpipe transplant”’ »
Wow… three new battery technologies that sound awesome. If they all pan out, rechargeable batteries could charge up to 90% capacity in two minutes, have three times their current battery life (six times for “mobile gadgets”!), and be lighter as well! Imagine a full-powered laptop that’s lighter and would last several work days on a …
Cancer is now the leading cause of death, but if these guys have their way, that will change in the next decade. There will come a time when suicide is the most common cause of death. You’ll be able to live as long as you wish to. The only good excuse for death right now …
Continue reading ‘“Team IDs, looks to block gene that spreads cancer”’ »
Nothing I can really add to this. Everything from Scooby Doo to hard science fiction has played with the idea of a way to talk with animals… though I’ve always wondered just what they’d have to say that would be so interesting.
Trash in low orbit is a real and growing problem. Japan’s idea is one of several solutions being explored; I’ve also heard (didn’t save the link, sorry) that the US is planning to try a ground-based laser. (When will our race learn to pick up after themselves? 😉 )
Remember how your parents/grandparents/schoolteachers used to use the phrase “put on your thinking cap”? Someone has actually come up with one. And it apparently works, too.
3D printing is a really interesting technology that’s quickly gaining steam. With a 3D printer (like the RepRap), you can quickly make everything from shoes to your own parts for long-dead technology to your own action figure souvenirs. Future (and much larger) 3D printers might just build your next house for you. Today’s 3D printers …