“Surgeons carry out first synthetic windpipe transplant”

This is probably the first really tangible benefit of any form of nanotechnology. It won’t be the last. I expect that replacements for most body parts will be able to be fashioned and seeded this way within a decade, and that it will become common practice within twenty years.

So much for the SF/horror scenario of growing clones for spare body parts. 😉


  1. To the tune of “home on the range”.

    “Oh give me a clone / A clone of my own! With the Y, changed to an X! / And with that clone / That Clone of my own! / We will think of nothing but sex.” – Isaac Asimov (or was it Heinlein? One of the two.)

  2. According to this page (which has a much expanded version), some of the verses are from Asimov. I wouldn’t have guessed it though.

      • I don’t know about Dr. Seuss, but according to GoddessJ, Judy Bloom (author of several kids books like “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing”) also did some racy adult novels, which gave me pause when I heard it.

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