“All CO2-spewing kit now in existence is OK for the planet”
My 1996 Corolla is apparently okay. I just need to keep running it for the next fifteen years. 😉
My 1996 Corolla is apparently okay. I just need to keep running it for the next fifteen years. 😉
If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you probably know my stance on global warming. Or rather, my former stance: I wasn’t precisely a skeptic, but I wasn’t convinced, because the evidence that was being put forth smelled fishier than a tuna trawler. As it turns out, my doubts were well-founded, but wrong. …
It seems that I have a good excuse for keeping my ’96 Corolla on the road — I’m not being cheap, I’m being green! 😉
It’ll be interesting to see how this fight turns out. And important as well. If North Dakota wins, it’ll put a damper on any attempts to use carbon tariffs. (Yes, it does “unfairly” give renewable energy an advantage over coal powered energy — that’s the whole point to it. But if I read the law …
Continue reading ‘“Minnesota levies world’s first carbon tariff…against North Dakota”’ »
As I’ve long suspected, the scientists sounding the Global Warning alarm have been playing fast and loose with the data. Deliberately. I understand some of the reasons for it: if they had told the truth, intelligent people would have dismissed the problem, quite reasonably demanding more information before taking the problem seriously. And by the …
When “if it bleeds, it leads” falls flat, this is the kind of sensationalist reporting that you get. It’s a good thing that we aren’t paying for content, I’d hate to actually pay for this kind of drivel.
I only know enough about climate science to know that there’s a whole lot we don’t yet know about it. This article just confirms that view.
“Warm ocean, hurricane increases down to clean skies,” according to the subtitle. Hm, I wonder what NASA’s climate experts would say about that?
Global warming? Probably. Man-made global warming? It’s looking increasingly unlikely.