“Hundreds of Human Genes Still Evolving”
Proponents of evolution have always thought that it stopped working on humanity as we became more intelligent, all the way back to Darwin himself. But apparently he had a bit more to learn.
Posts that refer to biological evolution, especially as it helps explain why people’s minds are the way they are today.
Proponents of evolution have always thought that it stopped working on humanity as we became more intelligent, all the way back to Darwin himself. But apparently he had a bit more to learn.
(This is not about evolution, it’s about a small group’s attempts to subvert democracy for their own purposes. Evolution is just their first target.) This four-part series of articles (here, here, here, and here) make it very clear that attacking evolution is just the tip of the iceberg. The goal of the very small — …
I find the placebo effect to be utterly fascinating. It’s almost certainly responsible for the successes of shamans, faith-based healers, and homeopathy. And, on the other side of the coin, the documented successful witch doctors’ curses. But it’s literally all in your head. Which means that everyone who has ever been affected by any of …
Sorry, Mr. Lewis Page, but these guys are almost certainly only a temporary problem. The important point is in this paragraph: […] And that’s not all. The reborn, undying gelatinous blob-cyst monsters can also “spawn” hundreds of genetically identical clones of themselves, each of which is also immortal and able to replicate itself at will …
Continue reading ‘“Immortal Dr Who jellyfish poised to rule Earth”’ »
I’ve always been a big proponent of the theory of evolution. It’s certainly not perfect, but it’s the only answer that doesn’t rely on supernatural forces to explain life. But in all the debates about it, it seems that those opposing it focus on two things: irrational religious convictions, and that it relies on random …
Continue reading ‘“Princeton Scientists Discover Proteins that Control Evolution”’ »
We humans think that we’re the be-all and end-all of evolution… that our bodies are mere support systems for our brains. Maybe we’re right, but some fascinating recent experiments suggest that we’ve survived despite our intelligence, not necessarily because of it.
So much for the “you can’t prove evolution because no one can see it happen” argument.
Unbelievable. After 150 years of steadily-accumulated evidence in favor of evolution, we’re still getting garbage like this Expelled movie? Expelled expresses the opinion that the universal support of evolution in the scientific community is the product of some sort of bias or ideological inflexibility. It is, on the contrary, the result of decades of hard …