The History and Opponents of Evolution

(This is not about evolution, it’s about a small group’s attempts to subvert democracy for their own purposes. Evolution is just their first target.)

This four-part series of articles (here, here, here, and here) make it very clear that attacking evolution is just the tip of the iceberg. The goal of the very small — but very vocal — minority opposing it is the outlawing of science in its entirety, at least anywhere that it conflicts with their religious assertions.

Fortunately for the rest of us, they haven’t been able to hijack the legal system to force their views on the majority, despite no less than ten major US court cases, all documented in the fourth article.

You’re welcome to believe what you wish, and even to preach it to anyone you can get to stand still long enough. But if you try to force it on me or anyone else, you’ve crossed the line.

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