“Secrets of a Memory Champion”

You might have seen this guy, he was a guest on a lot of shows after he won the US Memory Championship earlier this year. Memory training is a topic that’s near and dear to my heart. I really think that schools should have one mandatory class every year devoted to it. Of course, it’ll …

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Scammers Ahoy, Redux

Remember that scammer I reported playing with a few months ago? Well, apparently one of his many brothers-in-crime didn’t get the memo about me. I picked up the phone earlier this month and found myself talking to another very-heavily-accented man, who again tried to tell me that my computer was infected. I briefly considered playing …

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“Wooden spaceship descends into Moscow sandpit”

When we did this sort of thing as children, it was called playing… 😉 (Nice to see that humanity is still working toward interplanetary exploration, though.) EDIT, same day: Here‘s an article that coincidentally appeared today, on the entire facility that houses the Mars 500 project. There’s a lot more there than was mentioned in …

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“Team IDs, looks to block gene that spreads cancer”

Cancer is now the leading cause of death, but if these guys have their way, that will change in the next decade. There will come a time when suicide is the most common cause of death. You’ll be able to live as long as you wish to. The only good excuse for death right now …

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“Reducing Bribery by Legalizing the Giving of Bribes”

Legalize the giving, but not the receiving, of bribes, giving the briber every incentive to report the bribee — including getting his bribe money back. I have to admire the guy who came up with this. The only reason to criminalize the giving of a bribe is moralistic outrage, a system like this would be …

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