“Sorry, time travelers, you’re still just fiction”

Oh, come on, guys. You’re obviously not real science fiction fans, if you think that this really proves that both time travel and intergalactic travel are impossible. I can name half a dozen possible ways other than faster-than-light travel for one or both of those: wormholes, temporal rifts, cold sleep, dimensional portals, tachyon communications, and …

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“Mild brain shocks may improve learning and cognition”

Electric shocks help people learn. Well, duh! If I were a neuron getting shocked all the time, I’d certainly be looking for the fastest way to turn it off too! 😉 Seriously, it’s an interesting read for science geeks. And one of several bits of science suggesting that a real “thinking cap” might not be …

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“Reprogrammable Chips Could Enable Instant Gadget Upgrades”

In a science fiction story I once read — I can’t for the life of me recall which one — a spaceship’s electronics were overloaded and massively damaged by some kind of energy weapon. The ship got away, but it was crippled. Fortunately, the crew managed to repair enough of systems to limp to an …

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“8 Scenes That Prove Hollywood Doesn’t Get Technology”

It’s a good thing that I’ve had a lot of practice at suspending my disbelief, or today’s shows would often be ruined for me. These (link NSFW due to language) are just some of the many, many reasons. At least with real science fiction shows, the writers generally goes out of their way to make …

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Political Conservatism and Personality

A few days ago, I was catching up on my reading when I discovered a paper on political conservatism and personality traits. I haven’t been able to wade through the paper myself yet, but according to the article where I discovered it, it reports “that overall, political conservatism was associated with things like death anxiety, …

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