“Sorry, time travelers, you’re still just fiction”

Oh, come on, guys. You’re obviously not real science fiction fans, if you think that this really proves that both time travel and intergalactic travel are impossible. I can name half a dozen possible ways other than faster-than-light travel for one or both of those: wormholes, temporal rifts, cold sleep, dimensional portals, tachyon communications, and temporal natural disasters.

And that’s not even including soft SF and fantasy story methods: hypnosis (weird, but it’s been used for time travel in at least three stories I know of), drugs, heart attacks (no kidding), alternate realities, supernatural creatures, mysterious lights, storms, magic spells, magical devices or places (including clocks, watches, gates, caves, crystal bracelets, mirrors, standing stones, stagecoaches, and hourglasses), and your generic “unexplained phenomena.”

So don’t try to tell us science fiction buffs that it can’t be done just because one way has been proven not to work. 🙂


  1. From the first movie? Sorry, that’d be covered under faster-than-light travel, which is the one that was just proven impossible.

    • Hmm, I always thought it worked because Superman got dizzy, causing a great deal of disorientation to occur and thus a time warp to happen. Live and learn I guess. 🙂

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