“Sci-fi wars? Pilots say UFOs knocked out nukes”

I wish I could believe this sort of thing.

I have no doubt that extraterrestrial life exists — merely from a mathematical perspective, it seems all but certain, just from what we know about life and the universe already. But that technologically advanced beings have visited Earth? I know far too well how easily humans deceive one another, both deliberately and inadvertently (there’s even a hypothesis that part of the reason for our big brains is an evolutionary arms race between liars and liar-detectors). And the whole UFO phenomenon bears all the hallmarks of widespread delusion and wishful thinking. Read Swamp Gas Times: My Two Decades on the UFO Beat, and peruse the excellent Forgetomori web site; you’ll find that nearly every bit of evidence ever offered by UFO aficionados has proven to be a hoax or misinterpretation of some kind.

On the other hand, if it were true, it would be very exciting.