“‘Steve Jobs’ switches to Android”

Just for balance, after yesterday’s thorough Microsoft-bashing post, here’s an Apple-bashing one that I thoroughly agree with too. I still plan to get a fourth-generation iPod Touch when they come out later this year, to replace my aging first-generation one, because it’s still the best non-cell-phone organizer available at present — but I’ll get it in spite of Apple, not because of it.


  1. I have no Apple hardware now other than my iPod Classic, only because there are no other good MP3 players in it’s size… 🙂 I do run OS X sometimes now anyway. 😉 My phone does admirably all the productivity apps I need, WebOS is quite good enough at that both from Palm and third parties as an organizer – though sometimes I miss using Datebk6.

    (Not enough to fire it up all the time in emulation on the Pre and use that for my PIM! Though I do use an irreplaceable medication management app on the Classic PalmOS emulator and a few ebooks sometimes. Most of the charm of using Datebk6 would be gone though, PalmOS is dreadful on a capacitive touchscreen with no stylus. 😉 )

  2. When I had my Palm, DateBk4 and DateBk5 were awesome apps. DateBk6 was after I had to abandon Palm, if I recall correctly (which is by no means certain).

  3. Hopefully one of the things the HP acquisition will produce is a WebOS PDA, so you don’t have to have an expensive data plan. HP does make PDAs… Hopefully they won’t call the new device an iPaq though. 😉

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