The Stack Overflow Website

Stack Overflow, the programmer Q&A site that Joel Spolsky (of Joel on Software) and Jeff Atwood (of Coding Horror) have been putting together, finally opened its public beta doors yesterday. I’d been following its development closely through their podcast, and when I came up with an obscure programming problem this morning, I decided to try it out.

In seven minutes I had several replies — including the perfect answer. Wow.

And the site design is pretty damn awesome too. Browsing around it, I stumbled onto an answer for a thorny problem in Project X as well, without even looking for it. Double wow.

All in all, I’m VERY favorably impressed. It immediately earned one of the few coveted places on my Firefox speed-dial screen. I can see already that it could become a huge time-sink, but hey, everybody’s got to have a hobby. 😉