Firefox’s Download Day 2008: Help Set a Guinness World Record!

The people at Mozilla have come up with a neat idea for Firefox 3: they’re trying to set a Guinness World Record for the most-downloaded program in a twenty-four hour period, on an as-yet-undecided day next month. To see a breakdown (by country) of how many people have pledged to do, or to pledge to do it yourself, just go to the page linked above.

Frankly, I think it’s little more than publicity stunt. I don’t think they’ll have any trouble setting such a record, since I highly doubt there’s any competition for it at this point. But publicity stunts aren’t always a bad thing, and spreading the use of Firefox (specifically for the NoScript extension, but also because it’s pretty much the best browser available) is a very good cause.


  1. Maybe I’ll try, but I’m not going to persist if my connection doesn’t work too well. I’m certainly looking forward to it, it has a lot of important improvements. I read that RC2 is coming out real soon, BTW, but not long before the release.

  2. I’m assuming they have confidence that their servers can handle the load. I read that they’re considering an RC2, but that there’s no final decision on it yet.

  3. Yup, already got it. I don’t really see anything different, which I suppose is a tribute to how good RC1 was. 🙂

  4. The release has been delayed because of one platform. Mine. ;-( BTW, I have not experienced the bug that’s stopping release, when I shut down, albeit usually only on a weekly basis, Firefox 3.0 RC2 doesn’t seem to stop things here.

  5. It’ll be ready when it’s ready — and that will be Pretty Darn Soon. 🙂

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