“Swiss space plane to launch robotic orbital debris destroyer”
The Swiss plan to clean up low-Earth orbit is finally taking off (pun completely intended). 🙂
The junk we’ve put into low-Earth orbit, and how people are planning to deal with it.
The Swiss plan to clean up low-Earth orbit is finally taking off (pun completely intended). 🙂
Yet another NASA idea for cleaning up low-earth orbit.
What is this, the Roombas-in-Space hour? Now the Swiss are getting into the act too!
I’ve mentioned before the problem of man-made junk in low-earth orbit, and the three plans (American laser, Japanese fishing-net, and Italian robo-satellite) so far suggested to combat it. Apparently the problem is even worse than I’d realized, and has reached a critical stage. If I read the American laser proposal correctly (which isn’t guaranteed), it …
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What is this, a geek version of one-upsmanship? Now the Italians are offering their own plan for cleaning up low-Earth orbit: a robotic satellite that will slap a thruster onto larger pieces of debris and light it. This rivals the Japanese fishing-net idea and the American ground-based laser plan.
Trash in low orbit is a real and growing problem. Japan’s idea is one of several solutions being explored; I’ve also heard (didn’t save the link, sorry) that the US is planning to try a ground-based laser. (When will our race learn to pick up after themselves? 😉 )
Interesting, but do we really need more garbage floating around in Earth orbit?