Foul-Mouth Passwords

I stumbled over an interesting article, from a couple years ago, on passwords. The most interesting part, to me, was a pair of statements buried in the text: Cuss words were very popular. Boy, there’s a lot of aggression out there. I was surprised about how many Christian-sounding — for example, “Ilovejesus” — log-on names …

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Unbelievable. After 150 years of steadily-accumulated evidence in favor of evolution, we’re still getting garbage like this Expelled movie? Expelled expresses the opinion that the universal support of evolution in the scientific community is the product of some sort of bias or ideological inflexibility. It is, on the contrary, the result of decades of hard …

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“Belief-O-Matic — A personality quiz about your religious and spiritual beliefs”

I stumbled across this interesting quiz a few days ago: Even if YOU don’t know what faith you are, Belief-O-Maticâ„¢ knows. Answer 20 questions about your concept of God, the afterlife, human nature, and more, and Belief-O-Maticâ„¢ will tell you what religion (if any) you practice…or ought to consider practicing. Of the religions it listed …

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This Morning’s Interesting Conversation

I answer a soft knock on the front door a few minutes ago, still in my houserobe because the recent blizzard has driven me into semi-hibernation, to find two soft-spoken and well-dressed men at the door. One is in his late twenties, the other maybe forty, and each carries a handful of literature and a …

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“Why Vote?”

On the Dilbert Blog today, Scott Adams mentioned a fascinating New York Times article about why people vote. It’s worth reading in it’s entirety, but the executive summary is that many people seem to vote in order to be seen voting, not because they think their vote will make any difference whatsoever. The more observant …

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