“Focus on 8-Minute Increments to Beat Back Chores”
Anything that helps deal with distasteful chores is welcome.
Anything that helps deal with distasteful chores is welcome.
Last Friday, I discovered that I needed a 64-bit version of Windows for development purposes. I had a 64-bit version of Windows XP on a spare machine, but I haven’t set it up since the recent move, and until we get more stuff organized, I frankly don’t have the room. But it occurred to me …
During my most recent software development project, which I’ve already blogged about extensively, I finally learned to use a version control system (VCS from here on) right. To fully understand this, you have to know where I was coming from. I learned to program in the early-to-mid eighties, and never even heard of a VCS …
I never needed to be convinced of this, but it’s nice to know nonetheless.
I’ve spent the last few days integrating my new math library into the Windows project I started coding it for. Yesterday morning I was ready to try running the integrated copy, but I had some kind of problem starting it up. I couldn’t track it down very easily though, due to how long it took …
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 (i.e. v8) is a decent compiler, with a decent IDE. But there’s one “feature” that I dislike passionately: Intellisense. The idea behind it is a good one: that the IDE scans your source code every so often and figures out how certain things will be compiled so that it can tell …
One of the repeating items on my to-do list is cleaning off my office desk. It’s something I committed to recently, to try to keep my working area tidy; so long as I keep on top of it every few days, it only takes a few minutes each time. But I’d found myself putting it …
As a programmer, I’ve always found that the more monitor space you’ve got, the more productive you can be. And multiple monitors are even better than a single huge monitor, in a lot of ways. When you’re referring to online documentation while you’re programming, for example, it’s a lot easier to just glance from one …
I’ve mentioned before that I no longer run antivirus software on most of my Windows machines, but Bruce Schneier has just posted a persuasive argument in favor of it in most cases, despite the flaws. But persuasive or not, it doesn’t change my opinion or my stance on the systems I control. Antivirus is generally …
Joel On Software, on one of the few similarities between student projects and professional ones: It’s taken me a while, but I finally learned that long-term deadlines (or no deadlines at all) just don’t work with professional programmers, either: you need a schedule of regular, frequent deliverables to be productive over the long term. That …
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