“Disclaimers in Email Signatures are Not Just Annoying, But Legally Meaningless”

I recently saw this, and having seen several of these disclaimers in the last decade or so, thought it would make a good blog topic. When I first started communicating with BigCo, they had a policy that required an eleven-line legal disclaimer at the end of all e-mails. I know bits are cheap, but these …

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“Got a buck to send M Night Shyamalan to film school?”

I’ve never watched any of his other movies, so far as I know — they seldom appeal to me — but I happened to like the movie The Last Airbender, though I know I’m in the minority. If I’d ever followed the series it was based on, I’d probably be donating to this too. Probably …

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“‘Star Wars’ fan gathers support for life-size AT-AT”

I’d be all for this idea if it weren’t for one thing: at this point in history, do you really want to give the people currently running various levels of the US government the ability to commandeer a walking weapons platform explicitly designed for really big lasers? (I’m mostly joking… but only mostly.)