“F*** Me, Ray Bradbury”

(Very NSFW, due solely to repeated F-bombs in the chorus.) GoddessJ sent me a link to this video, with the comment “someone who truly appreciates SF.” Apparently so. (There was a picture on the blog she discovered this on, of Ray Bradbury watching it. Apparently he got quite a kick out of it. As well …

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“‘Is this science, or literature?'”

If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you probably know my stance on global warming. Or rather, my former stance: I wasn’t precisely a skeptic, but I wasn’t convinced, because the evidence that was being put forth smelled fishier than a tuna trawler. As it turns out, my doubts were well-founded, but wrong. …

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“News stories about stupid young people make old people feel good”

As I’ve mentioned before, my adoptive father listened almost solely to country music, by preference the old-school “my pickup broke down, my wife left me, and my dog died” kind. And being a very selfish person, he had no problem with making the entire family listen to it during interminably long car trips, while he …

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“Fly steers mobile robot”

What will they think of next? 😉 On a different subject, I picked up a nasty cold somewhere. It struck very suddenly yesterday evening and took me down for the count. I slept in discomfort for nearly twelve hours last night, and I’ll probably go right back to bed after having a bite to eat. …

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