“All CO2-spewing kit now in existence is OK for the planet”
My 1996 Corolla is apparently okay. I just need to keep running it for the next fifteen years.
My 1996 Corolla is apparently okay. I just need to keep running it for the next fifteen years.
(Very NSFW, due solely to repeated F-bombs in the chorus.) GoddessJ sent me a link to this video, with the comment “someone who truly appreciates SF.” Apparently so. (There was a picture on the blog she discovered this on, of Ray Bradbury watching it. Apparently he got quite a kick out of it. As well …
I’ve said it before: I hate moving. But with any luck, I won’t be saying it again. Our experiment at renting out our old place ended a few months ago. Some of you know the details; for everyone else, I’ll just say it was a minor disaster, and it took more than a month …
If I ever get out California-way, I’d like to visit The Mystery Spot, the site of a “gravitational anomaly.” It’s a set of optical illusions, as explained here, but apparently it’s amazing even if you know exactly what’s going on. For someone like me, it sounds like a really good time.
If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you probably know my stance on global warming. Or rather, my former stance: I wasn’t precisely a skeptic, but I wasn’t convinced, because the evidence that was being put forth smelled fishier than a tuna trawler. As it turns out, my doubts were well-founded, but wrong. …
I’ve talked about IPv6, the “new” Internet addressing standard, a few times here. It’s a fairly geeky subject, but since it’s one that underlies the entire Internet, it’s kind of important. Apparently the US government just woke up to the problem. A little late to the party, guys.
As I’ve mentioned before, my adoptive father listened almost solely to country music, by preference the old-school “my pickup broke down, my wife left me, and my dog died” kind. And being a very selfish person, he had no problem with making the entire family listen to it during interminably long car trips, while he …
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Our friend Interrobang calls them “earworms” — those catchy little jingles that get stuck in your head and just won’t come loose no matter what. This site promises to kick it out… by replacing it with another one. Not exactly what you were hoping for, but hey, at least it’s a new tune.
You don’t need to see his URL. This isn’t the page you’re looking for. Move along.
What will they think of next? On a different subject, I picked up a nasty cold somewhere. It struck very suddenly yesterday evening and took me down for the count. I slept in discomfort for nearly twelve hours last night, and I’ll probably go right back to bed after having a bite to eat. …