1. If they keep throwing poop at the wall of the Linux desktop, maybe some of it will stick. At least, that seems to be the theory behind user interface design for X11 and its successor waylate or whatever it’s called. 😉

    • I’ve been using Gnome-Shell for the last couple months. It’s buggier than an anthill (in that it has recoverable crashes regularly — it mostly doesn’t seem to like Claws Mail), but it’s better thought out than Ubuntu’s Unity, which it resembles.

        • Believe it or not, Unity isn’t all that bad. I tried it for a while. It’s just not very polished, and lacks a lot of power-user features that Gnome-Shell includes (such as plug-ins to customize its behavior). I could make do with it if I had to, though I’d really rather stay with Gnome-Shell.

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