1. “The Raven says “Who prepares the food for the Raven, when his young ones cry out to G-d?”” – Perek Shira (a Jewish book of hymns sung by the animals and nature.)

    • Apparently even the blog software thought you were a little nuts… it has been holding your last several comments for moderation. 😉

      I checked and it’s apparently because “blogspot.com” is in its blacklist for some reason. I suggest you update your data to point to your new blog address.

  2. Incidentally, ravens also fed Elisha (or was it Elijah? One of the two) the prophet. They’re portrayed as pretty smart. 🙂

  3. From all the testing I’ve heard about (of which this is only a part), they’re regular animal Einsteins.

    • So it seems. I can’t figure out what evolutionary pressures drove them to that level of intelligence, though. It must help them in some statistically significant way, or they’d have dropped it by now.

  4. Don’t the secret high-level cult member documents of L. Ron Hubbard’s cult have alien-race worship in them? I always knew you had a soft spot for Dianetics, and for his SF books, but this is going too far. 😉

  5. Sorry, different alien race. I think those documents just blame that one for imprisoning souls on this planet, though I’ve only heard third-hand reports about them.

    Yes, I admire Hubbard’s science fiction highly. Think about it, he actually managed to parley his own writing into a world-spanning organization, and with him at the top — televangelists have to plagiarize someone else’s fiction to do that. 😉

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