I saw something in a science fiction book once (I don’t recall which one, but it might have been David Brin’s Earth, though I can’t locate my copy of it now to verify that). It described a young man’s first encounter with a printed book, after spending all his life with a World Wide Web interface to information (it was written several years before the Web even existed), and how frustrating it was to him that he couldn’t get definitions of unfamiliar words just by touching the page (he had to actually look them up in another book, called a dictionary, a ridiculously slow process), or get more in-depth information on a subject by touching on-page links.
This video reminded me very strongly of that. The caption at the end pretty much says it all:
For my 1 year old daughter, a magazine is an iPad that does not work.
I forwarded this to my wife. Babies and books, I can’t think of a more appropriate topic for her right now.
For some reason, that never occurred to me. Maybe because I didn’t think your daughter was old enough to care about books yet.