Our Nocturnal Visitor, Part III

The sturdy mini-trash-cans that I talked about last time seem to have done the trick, but they needed some extra help.

As I mentioned, Ralph and his relatives didn’t give up easily. It took them several days, but they figured out how to open those cans too. After examining (and cleaning up) the evidence from a few such successful attacks, I thought I saw how they did it: they were knocking the cans over, then unlatching them and nosing the lids open. Two obvious forms of defense suggested themselves: modify the cans to stop the beasties from unlatching them no matter what position they were in, or stop them from knocking the cans over in the first place. I focused on keeping the cans upright, as the easier of the two.

I tried several tricks, with varying levels of success, such as surrounding them with other heavy items like our garden hose caddy. They still found ways to get them out most of the time. Then I lit on the idea of tying the cans to the fence, using a piece of light rope I had handy.

It has been nearly a month since I started doing that, and in all that time, I haven’t had to clean up a single raided trash can. 😀 I’m calling that a success.

Judging from past experience, Ralph and company will prove me wrong as soon as I publish this, just out of spite. But I’m going to do it anyway. Wish me luck. 🙂