“How I Mastered the Power Nap”

I used to have a problem similar to this guy:

I am the kind of person who takes 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep, most nights. Falling asleep is an ordeal for me (unless I’m completely exhausted). […] Because of this, I always thought that power napping was not for me. After all, power naps are supposed to last about 20 minutes, and you don’t need to be a maths genius to realise that if it takes you at least half an hour to fall asleep, 20 minutes won’t be enough. So, therefore, I thought, since I can’t fall asleep quickly, I can’t nap.

Fortunately for me, I was completely wrong about this.

I’ve gotten better about being able to fall asleep quickly (partly due to several years of not being able to stay asleep for more than a few hours at a time), but it can still take a while. So this article was something of an eye-opener for me. I take naps, almost daily, but they’re usually an hour-and-a-half to three hours. (Then I sleep five or six hours at night.)

After reading the article, I tried “power naps” a couple of times. They aren’t as refreshing to me as my usual ones, but they do seem to have some effect. They may get more refreshing as I get the discipline to stop thinking so much, I’ll have to see.


  1. What’s that, you start it up and the phone goes to sleep for twenty minutes? 😉

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