The Terrorists Are Winning

Want proof? Read this. Every time the US government reacts in fear, doing a little more damage to the Constitutional rights of the people, the terrorists have won another battle.

If they manage to get another Bush Jr into office, the erosion will pick up its pace again. Destination: Fascist America. And if you think I’m being as reactionary as the Republicans are, re-read this. They’ve got a road map to it, and they seem to be taking each step as quickly as they think they can get away with it.

I used to think that Americans were too smart to let that sort of thing happen, but now I wonder.


  1. You are correct that we are too smart to let this happen.

    The problem is that most of the population has gotten to lazy to do anything about it. Most people just want to sit on their couches, drink their beers, and have their brains turned into nush by the TV than to actual get out and help do something about the problems this country faces.

  2. I disagree. Sure, there are a lot of people like that — but there are also a lot of energetic people who are more than willing to do something. They just don’t have any idea what they can do to fight it. All they need is someone with a plan that seems to have some chance of working. If such a person exists, they’ll rally around him and move heaven and earth to make it happen.

    The problem is, I don’t know of any such person, or any plan that has more than a snowball’s chance in hell of accomplishing anything. The way the government has evolved, about the only way people have to voice their displeasure over what’s happening (other than a Constitutional Convention) is to write letters, and it takes a lot of letters to make any sort of impression on a congressman. And that means building or borrowing an organization large enough to get the attention of a majority of congressmen.

    Do you know of any such organization?

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