I Hate Moving

As some of you already know, GoddessJ and I are moving. Yes, I swore when we moved into this one that I’d never move again… well, I was wrong.

This was a spur of the moment decision. We bought the new place here in town last month, hoping to rent it out to reduce our dependence on our savings each month. Well, I screwed up there… the area we bought in is way oversaturated with rental properties, something I didn’t realize at the time. But as it turns out, the place we’re currently living is in a prime rental location. We really like the new place ourselves, and we needed to get the furniture out of the old place anyway so that we could renovate it, so last weekend we decided to move into it.

I come from a military family, and as a kid I had to move every two years, like clockwork (which did nothing good for my social development, believe me). And after I moved out, I was in Washington DC, where the rents went up $50/month every year that you stayed in one place. But my moves have gotten less frequent of late, and I’d forgotten just how unpleasant moving can be.

The last few days have been irritatingly full of preparations. We’ve been here for eight years, and as GoddessJ puts it, we’re like goldfish: we expand to fill whatever container we’re in. Sorting out eight years of collected detritus, packing it, and transporting it to its new locations has been… interesting, to say the least. GoddessJ has been a tsunami, powering through rooms and leaving nothing but little swirling dust devils in her wake. I’ve been reduced to acting as a pack-horse, and occasionally taking apart the things that are more easily transported in that state, and making arrangements both for the move and for the renovations afterward. My programming productivity, as you might expect, has dropped to nearly zero.

And the worst thing is, we know for a fact that this won’t be our last move.

Oh well. I’m trying to treat it as an adventure. I figure I’ll be back on my usual programming schedule some time next week, or the week after that at the latest.

Wish us luck!

ADDENDUM: Did I mention that I’ve had to shovel snow three times already this week, at both places? Yeah, I’m as tickled about it as you might expect.


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