I was quite surprised, a few days ago, when my official Apple “iPhone Apps” RSS feed came up with something called “InstallerApp 1.0,” because the description says that it’s a way to put iPhone apps that currently require jailbreaking on your unjailbroken iPhone:
InstallerApp is a native Mac OS X application that allows you easily download applications from Installer and Cydia directly onto your computer, and install them to the iPhone connected with USB cable. It will install all the needed components even on non-“jailbroken” iPhones with the built-in Pusher technology.
Isn’t this what Apple is doing their utmost to prevent? If so, how did this program get past their ever-watchful censors?
Maybe someone had a brain-fart after approving 32767 more fart apps for the app store. 😉
They’ve only got a 16-bit brain register, and they’re using signed numbers? 😉
I wouldn’t be surprised if the brain were like that, it would explain a lot. 😉