“What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?”

I have a confession to make. I’m a self-help book junkie.

I love a good self-help book. Most of them are useless to the vast majority of people, but a well-written one always fascinates me regardless of whether the problem it’s addressing is one that I have or not. But when you find one of the tiny percentage of them that’s useful specifically to you, it’s like finding gold in your back yard.

When I read about a free self-help e-book called “What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?” (via LifeHacker), I checked it out. It’s similar to others that I’ve read, but since it’s free, it gives me something to recommend to people that’s a little easier to get than my three favorites.

I haven’t finished it yet, but from what I’ve read so far, it looks like a good place to begin answering the most important practical question you’ll ever find.


  1. I’ve read some interesting self-help books, mostly on the subject of being happy. Our number one problem is really being truly happy, solve that and the rest falls into place.

  2. I already knew some of that stuff, it’s probably why I’m not a very unhappy person in general. I do wish I made more of my life goals though. I’m still sort of stuck in a rut vocational-wise. I had an opportunity to move to Phoenix Arizona after a sysadmin job though, but I turned it down. I only had the possibility for an interview, and couldn’t really afford the transportation from here (east coast) to there for an entry-level sysadmin job weakly promised in a chat room.

    Hopefully something will come up locally, it’s hard when everyone requires either a degree, on-call 7 days a week, or both. Maybe I should go back to school, I do have a strong possibility of qualifying for a 100% grant covering all my tuition at the moment, assuming that they won’t care anymore about what I did in college 15 years ago, but I did so horrible at college last time, speaking of that, that I’m reluctant to try again.

  3. Well, if you don’t like your situation now, you need to do something to change it. Just sitting on your tail moaning about it isn’t going to change anything.

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