Spam Idiots

Maybe spammers don’t need to have even average intelligence to make money at it?

I’ve gotten a large number of spams recently (all caught by SpamBayes with no real difficulty) that have one sensationalistic headline in the subject line, and a completely different one in the body of the message. Case in point:

Subject: Facebook hacked into, millions of accounts lost Apple ipod sells one billion units [URL removed] — Using Opera’s revolutionary e-mail client:

(A large number of them also include that Opera line. It’s said that any publicity is good publicity, but I’m sure the people behind Opera view that kind of support as a decidedly mixed blessing.)

Maybe the spammers think that two headlines are better than one, or maybe they hope to get around some anti-spam defenses with that, I don’t know. To me, it just makes it obvious that it’s garbage. But it begs the question… if they’re still making money with that kind of thing, who’s stupider — the spammer, or the people that must still be clicking on the spam links?

(And yes, it’s a rhetorical question.)