Wolf! Wolf!

Boston has gone crazy. As evidence, I present the late-January lunacy with the ad campaign using glorified Lite-Brites that they decided were terrorist bombs, and the destruction of a traffic counter that was chained to a light post, which they also decided was a terrorist bomb.

I wish I could say that they’re alone in their idiocy, but they’re not. Even more recently, a “brown-skinned” poetry professor sets out a box of trash, and a student phones in a terrorism alert. Another student drops a gym bag containing 60 pounds of sand by a trash can, and all the buildings in the area are evacuated. This week, an eighteen-year-old straight-A high school student is arrested, charged, and removed from school for writing an essay in a creative writing class that “alarmed and disturbed” his teacher.

Are people naturally so paranoid, or is it just that they’ve had a lot of help recently?

The real terrorists haven’t bothered with us in quite a while. They don’t need to.

We’re doing their job for them.