Attack of the Ns!

Sheesh, Don… did you fall asleep on your keyboard while you were typing the name? And I know you claim you’re ancient to your twenty-something girls, but 99?

I like the picture though. What’s that in the background, a big camera on a tripod? Looks very robotic. (Gak! Apparently you’ve got it set to change pictures, now it’s got Garfield on there.)


  1. 1)I had to use the extra n’s, because they other n’s were already in use.

    2)I tell my Friend Girls (I made that up, neat huh?), that I am IMMORTAL. The problem is MySpace only goes up to 99, so it really is a non-purpose lie. I am actually over 200, I think. But… my memory is really shot now. I remember lots of Whores… Ale… Bad Food… Hey! its nice to know somethings never change!

    I constantly change everthing on a mood. And as You have found out… I get BORED quickly.

    The camara picture was taken inside the DCS tunnel. You know… the usuals, cameras, motors, belts, lasers, scales, Dark Mater Time Machine Portal, etc… Hmmm? Where’s my “Sonic Screw Driver” and that “New Guy Who”??? -don

  2. And it’s about time you read your e-mail… I told you about that entry a couple weeks ago!

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