If anyone is looking for a holiday present for me, one of these would be REALLY appreciated.
Think of the possibilities… this could eventually eliminate the need for a screen entirely! Add a way for the computer to understand subvocalized commands, and you could have a full-powered general-purpose computer and entertainment center with you all the time!
Obligatory science fiction link, in case the ones in the article aren’t enough: at the beginning of the near-future series The Sex Gates, before the appearance of the Gates themselves, people are using their mobile phones — charged maybe once every week or two — as a personal general-purpose computer, recorder, communications device, and entertainment center, with essentially unlimited storage, but they have to be (wirelessly) linked to an external display for anything that requires more screen than a handheld device can provide. By the third book — maybe a decade later, I don’t recall for sure — revolutionary theoretical advances inspired by the arrival of the Gates have lead to tiny voice-controlled devices, often worn as jewelry, which generate holographic displays of any size comfortable for the user. Very similar to what I described above.