“Reasons (and Ways) to Avoid Buying Just-Released Gadgetry”

Like many techno-geeks, I love gadgets. When I was younger, I spent a great deal of money (that I usually didn’t have) buying the latest and greatest techie toys. For me, that stopped when I looked around and realized that I had more unused computers than ones in use — and that was without even counting the partial ones.

Now I make myself wait before any major techno-purchases, and try to convince myself that I don’t really need them after all. In the past couple years, it has usually worked, but for times it fails, there’s a good article on LifeHacker that includes ways their readers control their techno-lust.


  1. 😀 I think we’ve all been there! My strategy is that I focus on how, in a couple months, I’ll be able to get something better at the same price or even cheaper. So, I wait those months until something better comes along. Then I think about how, in a couple months, I’ll be able to get something even better at the same price or cheaper. Wash, rinse, repeat… (Ain’t technology advancement great!)

  2. That doesn’t work for me, because I long ago realized that there will always be something newer and better next week. The time to buy a techie toy is when you actually need it… the trick is convincing myself that “want” doesn’t equal “need!” 🙂

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