“Study suggests that being too clean can make people sick”

Food for thought, especially for certain of my readers who have a little one on the way:

“The triclosan findings in the younger age groups may support the ‘hygiene hypothesis,’ which maintains living in very clean and hygienic environments may impact our exposure to micro-organisms that are beneficial for development of the immune system,” said Allison Aiello, associate professor at the U-M School of Public Health and principal investigator on the study. […] “It is possible that a person can be too clean for their own good.”

Studies have been suggesting that for years. I thought I’d made at least one blog entry about it before, but Google says otherwise.


  1. Being too dirty can make you sick too, I knew a shrink (psychoanalytically trained, ironically) who had a father who didn’t wash himself, and he got cancer of the penis, had to have it lopped off.

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