Moved, But Missing A Cat

We’re safely ensconced in the new place now… well, most of us. Our cat Winston ran out the door while the movers were there. I followed his tracks down the street (it’s the only time you’ll hear me say it, but thank God for fresh snow), but eventually lost them.

He may still show up at the old house, once he’s gotten over his terror. Or someone may find him, he’s wearing a tag with his name and our address and phone number on it. We haven’t given up hope, but we’re worried sick about him.


  1. I’ve told W and she’s really sad to hear about Winston. Our thoughts are with you!!

  2. Thanks, to all of you. No word of him yet, though we went around the neighborhood calling for him several times yesterday and last night, and GoddessJ’s parents did as well. We set up a good-sized cardboard box as a bed/windbreak outside the front door, with his favorite blanket inside, in the hopes that if he goes back, it’ll be a warm and familiar-smelling place for him to sleep. We’re going back there today, to do some renovation work on the place; with any luck, he’ll either be there when we arrive, or will come by while we’re there, but we don’t really expect either one.

  3. The mail carrier said she thought she’d seen him, one street over. I went, but he wasn’t visible there, and calling him (and shaking a can of treats) produced no response. I’ve made up a stack of flyers with his picture, asking anyone seeing him to call us; we’ll put those on the street lights for a couple streets in each direction. Then the only thing we can do is wait and hope.

  4. Thanks for the update. At least is sounds like he’s safe. Please keep us posted!

  5. She saw him on the first, and we’ve had no word of him since. 🙁 I’ve printed up more flyers to post today.

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