“Fly steers mobile robot”

What will they think of next? 😉

On a different subject, I picked up a nasty cold somewhere. It struck very suddenly yesterday evening and took me down for the count. I slept in discomfort for nearly twelve hours last night, and I’ll probably go right back to bed after having a bite to eat. I’m treating it with large glasses of orange juice and some medicines that GoddessJ recommended — and if you know my aversion to using medicine on myself most of the time, that’ll give you a clue how uncomfortable it is.

C-square, I hope it’s the one that you and the missus have already had.


  1. No, it probably the one my mom had this past week. Since we were staying at her place before visiting you, we might have brought it along with us. (Now I’m hoping we don’t come down with it!) Luckily her’s was pretty short lived, so I’m hoping it doesn’t affect you for long.

  2. It seems to have passed, other than a persistent cough. But man it was nasty yesterday. I think I slept twenty hours yesterday, total. It’s very seldom that I’m able to sleep that much, and even more rare that I’m willing to.

  3. You have no idea how true a statement that is. 🙂 But with colds, it’s best to get the nasty ones over with now, so you don’t have to deal with them later in life. There are supposedly only about three hundred strains of cold to worry about, so I’m guessing that I’ll have ’em all licked in another two hundred sixty years or so. 😉

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