“$3 hand-powered suction device quickly heals wounds”

Thus proving that it’s a good thing that life sucks. 😉

(Seriously, I can’t wrap my head around the idea that suction like this could help wounds heal faster. I don’t know of any mechanism that could possibly explain it. And as Isaac Asimov is quoted as saying, “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’ but ‘That’s funny…'”)


  1. Just a guess, but perhaps negative pressure around a wound draws more blood into the area, allowing for a higher concentration of white blood cells and platelets to do the healing.

  2. That would make perfect sense, if white blood cells and platelets healed things. 🙂 White blood cells just destroy invaders; platelets (along with a set of chemical reactions that I’ve heard called insanely complex) simply seal off wounds. There’s something else going on here.

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